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How Accountants Can Help Save and Make Money for Your Business in 2023/24

Ways Accountants Can Help Save and Make Money for Your Business in 2023/24 

Are you a small business owner looking to increase your revenues and profits?   Have you ever thought about how an accountant can help you save and make money for your business? As a business owner, you know that it’s important to keep track of all the income and expenses associated with running your business. But

An In-Depth Look at Hubdoc in 2023: The Pros and Cons of the Popular Financial Tool

An In-Depth Look at HubDoc in 2023: The Pros and Cons of the Popular Financial Tool 

What is HubDoc? HubDoc is a cloud-based platform and the ultimate time-saver, simplifying the often-cumbersome task of document collection and organisation. Think of it as your virtual personal assistant. The perks are endless: automatic fetching of financial documents, intelligent categorisation, and secure storage. Not to mention, it integrates easily with accounting software programs like Xero

Super to be Paid on Payday

Super to be Paid on Payday

Changes are coming to the way superannuation is paid to employees. Starting from July 1, 2026, you will need to pay your employees’ super at the same time as their salary and wages. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW The way superannuation is paid to employees is changing, with the Australian government implementing new regulations. Starting


Proposed 30% Tax Increase on High Super Balances Explained

The government proposes a 30% tax on high super balances, as announced on February 28, 2023. Starting from July 1, 2025, any superannuation balances above $3 million will be subject to a concessional tax rate of 30% on future earnings. It’s important to note that this proposal has not yet been enacted into law.  This

bring-forward rule

Boost Your Super in 2023 with the Bring-Forward Rule

As you approach retirement, it’s wise to consider putting extra money to boost your Super this 2023 with the bring-forward rule. If you happen to receive an inheritance or sell an asset, the same applies.  By doing so, not only will you give your retirement savings a boost, but you’ll also benefit from tax-free income

Work Test Removal Empowers Older Australians in 2023

Work Test Removal to Empower Older Australians in 2023 

An update on work test removal has provided new opportunities for those approaching retirement. Starting from 1 July 2022, individuals aged between 67 and 74 won’t have to satisfy the work test to make or receive non-concessional or salary-sacrificed contributions to their superannuation.  The announcement made in the Federal Budget on 11 May 2021, regarding

Re-contributing COVID-19 Early Release Super Amounts

COVID-19 Re-contribution Early Release Super Amounts

Re-contributing COVID-19 Early Release Super Amounts is a complex process but a great way to grow your super funds. Many individuals have been impacted financially by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to changes in money management. To provide relief during this crisis, the government opened access to superannuation funds under its Compassionate Grounds through the COVID-19

Claim Fuel Tax Credits and Reduce Your Business Expenses in 2023

How to Claim Fuel Tax Credits and Reduce Your Business Expenses in 2023

If you own a heavy vehicle, you can apply for fuel tax credits to help with the cost of eligible fuels used. We understand that running a business takes hard work, and savings do matter. With the periodic lodgement of fuel tax credits to the Australian Tax Office (ATO), there’s a chance for some extra

2023 Insights on Early Access to Super

2023 Insights on Early Access to Super

Early access to super savings, for some individuals, is the way to go. This may be necessary before retirement due to financial hardship or other unforeseen circumstances. Superannuation is a vital component of retirement planning in Australia, with millions relying on their superannuation savings to support them in their golden years. As we move into

2023 Updated Super Registration Guide

2023 Guide to Updated Super Registration

An updated super registration process will remove the ability to add the Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) bank account details to online and paper applications for an ABN registration for SMSF to protect the savings of SMSF members. New SMSFs are now required to provide the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) with bank details after registration through:

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