
The Wardle Partners Community is something that has been developing and growing over a number of years. Our team love giving back and supporting local community charities. It’s all part of the spirit of the Wardle Partners Community. It fills our hearts with pride and joy to support the following organisations.



Mark is a regular volunteer at Sunshine Coast Access Advisory Network (SCAAN) helping to play a small part to improve the lives of people on the Sunshine Coast with a disability.


Wardle Partners Community SunnyKids Logo

SunnyKids is a Sunshine Coast based charity set up to assist children and families at risk. They provide emergency accommodation, health and education to keep kids safe.

Share the Dignity

Wardle Partners Community Share The Dignity Logo

Our team has been proud supporters of Share the Dignity since 2015. Our involvement with this charity has continued to increase each year.

Community Giving Program


During 2018 our team decided to start a new program. Each month we select a local Sunshine Coast charity and donate directly to the charity.


Wardle Partners Community SCAAN Logo

Wishlist supports sick patients and their families, as well as providing funding for research and upgrading services at all public hospitals on the Sunshine Coast.


Wardle Partners Community SCAAN Logo

OzHarvest Sunshine Coast is doing its part to help feed vulnerable community members while at the same time reducing the amount of food that finds its way into landfill.

Act for Kids

Wardle Partners Community SCAAN Logo

Preventing & treating child abuse & neglect is the aim of Act for Kids. They help children through integrated therapy, family support, educational services & more.

Hear and Say

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The strength of Hear and Say lies in creating a community which has to lead them to be world-leading experts in hearing, listening and spoken language therapy for children with no or very little hearing. 

Share the Dignity

Wardle Partners Community SCAAN Logo

A charity that makes a real difference to homeless women and victims of domestic violence. Share The Dignity collects thousands of personal hygiene products every year for women experiencing homelessness and poverty. 

Shine Community Care

Wardle Partners Community SCAAN Logo

Shine Community Care is committed to reaching into the local community to help families, children and youth at critical times in their lives. Their aim is to provide relief from misfortune & suffering. 

Disabled Surfing Association

Wardle Partners Community SCAAN Logo

From asthmatics to joint injuries to paraplegic, The Disabled Surfers Association was established in 1986 with the aim of allowing those with a disability the freedom to surf in a safe and fun environment. 

My Wedding Wish

Wardle Partners Community SCAAN Logo

My Wedding Wish has been gifting weddings to the terminally ill, throughout Australia since 2013. The charity ensures couples can have a burden-free celebration without stress.  

Cittamani Hospice Service

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Shine Community Care is committed to reaching into the local community to help families, children and youth at critical times in their lives. Their aim is to provide relief from misfortune & suffering. 


Wardle Partners Community SCAAN Logo

Rosies Friends On The Street has been serving the Sunshine Coast since 2000. The team of volunteers at Rosies work hard through their street outreach program to give support, a warm meal and friendship to those in need. 

Steps Autism Treehouse

Wardle Partners Community SCAAN Logo

Steps Autism Treehouse helps to build community and connection to Sunshine Coast families, children and young people living with Autism. Providing resources, life skills programs, education and social events is all in a days work for the team at Steps.

Sunshine Butterflies

Wardle Partners Community SCAAN Logo

Founded in 2005, Sunshine Butterflies supports individuals and their families living with disabilities. A small but passionate team help to reduce the stigma of disability, while providing disability education, awareness and inclusion.  

Salty Souls Legacy

Wardle Partners Community SCAAN Logo

Salty Souls Legacy is a local Sunshine Coast charity. Their aim is to help vulnerable kids and teens get out into the water, surf and try to heal through the power of the ocean, both mentally and physically. 

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